Help Sichuan Earthquake Victims

Please help Sichuan Earthquake Victims by online donation!

Hong Kong Red Cross Online Donation Page is under urgent maintenance. Service will be resumed on 16 May 2008, 9:00 a.m. 香港紅十字會 「網上捐款」網頁現正在進行緊急維修,服務將延遲於2008年5月16日上午9時正分恢復,

You could donate directly through the following bank accounts of our “Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund” 可將捐款直接存入下列「香港紅十字會中國賑災金」戶口:

滙豐銀行 HSBC : (004)-567-650155-016

恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank :(024)-267-175123-001

中國銀行 Bank of China :(012)-806-0-000161-7

東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia :(015)-514-40-39966-3

Or send a crossed cheque with the payee name “Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund” to the International & Relief Service Department, Hong Kong Red Cross at 33 Harcout Road, Hong Kong. 或以劃線支票:抬頭「香港紅十字會中國賑災金」寄回香港夏慤道33 號香港紅十字會國際及賑災服務部。

Or donate with cash through 7-eleven stores . You just simply indicate “Hong Kong Red Cross” as beneficiary organization. 亦可到全港各 7-11 便利店,以現金捐款。捐款時請註明捐予香港紅十字會。

查詢熱線 Donation Hotline : 852-2802-0021

More news about Earthquake in Sichuan China


