Nong's Cought Formula 農本方止嗽散

I caught a cough since last week during the Chinese New Year. Luckily, my friend suggested this "Nong's Cough Formula" to me, helps me alot!
It's easy to consume. Just stir with some hot water to dissolve and consume 3 times daily. You can purchase at any CR CARE !
I'm feeling better now. Thanks Jess! ^^

一星期前春節期間已患上了咳嗽,遲遲未好,一直十分辛苦,幸好友人推薦了這款 "農本方止嗽散" 給我,是中藥沖劑,服用方便,只需用熱水攪伴即可飲用,我現在好多了,謝謝妳啊!^^


