On one very night, I can't really sleep after I took this "
Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng" from
McCafe. It does taste good & so I try to buy this to replace my morning coffee instead. It works for me and I think it's a good choice to make me stay awake! Let's try this when you need to stay fresh & awake !
最近比較忙碌,經常睡眠不足,早上起床我會喝一杯咖啡提提神,但晚上便不能喝了,因為會睡不著呢! 有天晚上要吃夜宵,經過
McCafe 買了 "
Arizona參蜜綠茶",喝後竟然整晚都很精神,所以早上我改了喝這款綠茶,有提神作用,生津止渴,玻璃瓶又環保,我十分推介! 大家下次走在街上打算買咖啡提神的時候, 不妨試試改喝 "參蜜綠茶" 吧!