Anyadharu Incense

A great incense sticks to promo again. They are Sandalwood & Lavender flavour from AnyaDharu. I bought them from the Shop in JJ Market, Bangkok, Thailand.

There are many products, such as Flower Tea, Essences, Candles & ect. Obviously, I got my favourite one, Incense. They smell good & last long. And with a nice packing too! Don't miss this shop when you travel to bangkok next time!
今次又想介紹多一款香薰香給大家,是我近日的新寵 AnyaDharu, 我買了檀香和薰衣草味, 氣味清新自然又持久,而且包裝還十分精美呢! 店內其他產品還有花茶,香薰精油,香薰燭等,下次到曼谷的時候,不妨到這間 JJ Market 分店走一趟吧!

