Seasonal Closet Clearance and Re-organized

Spring again! It's time to clean up our closets. There is a perfect way from a book, I want to share to all my friends, especially newly wed wife and single living man/woman!

Actually, it is the way to make sure your closet to have more space for seasonal clothing and how to pick and keep it in a good condition.

First of all, you have to make sure all types of clothes that you own are wearable for recent days. We have to know which clothes we need and which we are not suitable at this season. Plus, we have to assure our belongings by ourselves, to keep or not to keep.

Choose the right & correct hangers for different types of clothes. And we have to fold all our clothes tidily to make our closet in a neat condition.

A good way to fold your jacket or hoodie to make it space friendly~

A professional folding ways for your tops~

Different folding ways for different kind of socks~

Two ways of folding for your seasonal pantyhoses~
Girls, you must have lots of undergarments, this is the correct way to make them tidy~
And a caring way to fold your honey's or daddy's boxers~

A better way to fold and keep your jeans~

Enjoy! ^.^

