M.A.C x Hello Kitty
Been very busy lately. Dropped by CLIQ yesterday for "M.A.C x Hello Kitty Limited Edition Colour & Accesories Collection".
It was a glitter night with black & pink, chic & sexy as theme. Venue was packed with most of the people from the makeup industry I presumed. WhenI was about to leave, I was given this pack of door gift; M.A.C's Pearlglide Eye Liner, Glaze Lipstick & Pigment and a sweet black Hello Kitty balloon actually but it was blown away while I was having dinner..haha :p
Let's go to M.A.C Shop to try the Limited Edition!
最近忙得頭昏腦脹,但十分慶幸抽空到 CLIQ 參與了 M.A.C x Hello Kitty 的宣傳活動邀請,能夠欣賞到大師級的化妝造型示範,會場更溶入了大會主題的黑與粉紅的神秘色彩,行家聚首一堂,氣氛一流!
離開前還收到了精美的禮品包,當中有 Pearlglide 眼線筆, Glaze 唇膏和 Pigment 閃亮粉,更附上方便手提袋,真是環保又貼心呢!
哈哈,其實還有相中的氣球,可惜風太大...晚飯中途給刮走了! :p
大家也快到 M.A.C 感受這股 "成人 Kawaii" 風吧!