Sebamed Moisturizing Cream 施巴 5.5

Winter is coming, the dry weather makes my skin dehydrate day by day. Sensitive than last year and some pores appeared. So I tried this "Sebamed ph 5.5 Moisturizing Cream" to solve my sensitive dry skin problem.

I only use this cream after cleansing. It's texture is not oily, and it works for me after 2 days used.

冬季快來臨了! 一夜之間的天氣轉變,令我的皮膚乾燥又敏感,比去年還要差,手頭上的冬季護膚品未能解決問題之餘,臉上還長了粒粒呢!

在友人介紹下,選購了施巴 5.5的 "保濕修護霜",暫時捨棄了其他護膚品,每晚洗臉後便只搽它,兩天後,乾燥問題真的解決了!果然真的很保濕啊,所以急不及待要介紹給大家呢!^^

