Basic Food vs Acidic Food
Highly recommend to eat more basic food. Because the blood of babies & healthy peoples are in weak alkaline condition, which is about PH7.35 ~ 7.45. Acid-base imbalance affecting gastrointestinal. Therefore, to make basic constitution of the weak is the first step away from the disease.

Strong basic food : Grapes, Tea, Kelp buds, Kelp & etc. In particular, is rich in natural chlorophyll-green algae, is a good basic health food and tea should not be excessive, the best time to drink during the morning.
Basic food : Dried carrots, Soybeans, Carrots, Tomatoes, Bananas, Oranges, Pumpkins, Strawberries, Egg white, Meigan, Lemon, Spinach & etc.
中鹼性食品:蘿蔔乾、大豆、紅蘿蔔、蕃茄、香蕉、橘子、南瓜、草莓, 蛋白、梅乾、檸檬、菠菜等。
Weak basic food : Red beans, Apples, Cabbage, Onions, Tofu & etc.

But, if you are having indigestion or in circumstances of poor health, should avoid the following acidic food:
Strong acid food : Egg yolks, Cheese, Dessert with white sugar, Persimmon & etc.
Acidic food : Ham, Bacon, Chicken, Tuna fish, Pork, Eel, Beef, Bread, Wheat, Butter & etc.
中酸性食品:火腿、培根、雞肉、鮪魚、豬肉、鰻魚、牛肉、麵包、 小麥、奶油等。
Weak acid food : Rice, groundnuts, Beer, Wine, Fried tofu, Seaweed, Clams, Octopus & etc.